We partner with law Enforcement
You want undisputable solutions and innovative tools that keep you ahead of crime. 3Si offers an all-inclusive suite of cutting-edge security solutions that allow you to respond with precision every time. 3Si’s exclusive DirectToDispatch™ (DTD) shares real-time felony crime intelligence with law enforcement for swift criminal apprehension, prosecution, asset recovery, and safer responses.
»End-to-End Solutions
The power of 3:
Trusted by some of the world’s leading organizations and agencies, 3Si has built a portfolio of advanced security solutions that address every step in the crime cycle to help you detect, deter, detain and prosecute criminals.
Covert by 3Si
GPS tracking
Our GPS tracking devices help protect your assets. They seamlessly integrate into business operations for private and public sector deployments.
Wren by 3Si
Security camera & video solutions
Purpose-built camera and video solutions are designed to fit your unique environment and scale your business needs. They provide security for your customers, staff, and assets.
Surveill by 3Si
Video Management System
Surveill VMS delivers unmatched performance, scalability, and reliability to meet your enterprise demands. Its modern, containerized architecture featuring Docker and microservices ensures low latency, minimal overhead, and rapid, edge-optimized deployments.
Tailored Solutions for Every Need
Criminals Apprehended
Assets Recovered
US Based Support
Law Enforcement Partner Agencies
Effective crime response relies on strong partnerships with local law enforcement. For over 50 years, 3Si has collaborated with customers and law enforcement to pioneer security solutions, deliver critical security insights, and share real-time data for better crime response. 3Si is the only security provider that delivers verified felony crime intelligence directly to over 10,300 law enforcement agency dispatch centers via our DirectToDispatch capabilities. Our portfolio of security solutions lets you safeguard what matters most.
»“The 3Si data greatly assisted in identifying the bank robbery suspect.”
“This was our first event with the 3Si technology, and it was awesome. The tracking data saved us a lot of work since the suspect was disguised. The data led us right to him.”
“This was my first experience with 3Si and I was very impressed with the outcome.”
“We appreciate the 3Si technology. It was responsible for helping us take an armed serial robber off the streets.”
“This case would have remained unsolved if not for 3Si.”
“This case would not have resulted in an arrest without the 3Si technology.”
“We had no prior knowledge that this ATM theft gang was in their area. If not for the 3Si technology, this case would not have been solved.”
“This was a textbook case where the 3Si technology worked as expected and clinched the case. Without it, the suspects would have likely avoided capture.”
“Without the 3Si tracking technology, there was no way we would have solved this robbery.”
“We are impressed with the 3Si technology. It was responsible for the apprehension of the three suspects and the large recovery.”
“Without question, the 3Si technology was the reason the suspect was apprehended, and we put an end to their robbery spree.”
But above all, our mission remains clear: The only ambition more important than removing bad actors from the street is ensuring that the men and women in blue return home safely at the end of every shift.”
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